You wish to order chemical glassware for a school, a high school or a college ? You are looking for a good quality/price ratio ? You are opening a new chemistry class ? You must know, it is not always simple to navigate when it comes to choosing the good products at the right supplier.
First of all, we must prepare your material list according to your needs.
Therefore, our team is there to provide you good information before placing the order. And then, to accompany you to find the ideal partner for your institution.
Selection of teaching materials for chemistry classes
It is recommended to list the material according to the PW needs (Practical Works) proposed during teaching classes.
For that, there is 2 possibilities :
- You are opening a new class, there is none existing in your institution : reunite all the PW that will be taught into a list of products to order.
- You already have existing equipment in your classroom : draw up an inventory and review with the new PW in the program the missing equipment.
The choice of chemical glassware for teaching
After studying the needs of chemistry teachers, the glassware selection criterias are strict :
- Reliable long-term material
- Respect of the students’ safety
- Prices corresponding to the academic budgets
What the supplier must offer
Your futur partner must be aware of everything that it implies for you to place an order for chemical equipment : the budget to respect, the time allowed, the complexity of juggling with suppliers…
That is why a good partner must offer you the following solutions :
- A personalized support to your needs
- Make the order very simple
- Products available quickly
- Be your sole intermediary for all the chemistry equipment
Your supplier can also propose to you a fun learning service related to the PW that you teach your students. It can also be product pages, learning posters or any type of documentations.
The choice of partner for your chemical glassware
LABELIANS has for goal to simplify the orders dedicated to the academic system while offering products of quality for an affordable price. This futur partner wishes to work in close collaboration with the teaching staff in order to always better understant the needs…
Furthermore, with fifty years of experience, LABELIANS already had several successfull projects to its credit. Therefore, this laboratory material supplier will be the partner for you