The pre-analytical is a mandatory for the analytical process sucess. the well-being of the patient is the key during the sampling collection to a succesful pre-analytical process.

Patient reception : every details counts

The patient gives at the laboratory medical staff his prescription, it will be attached to the collection sheet. The prescription must be less than 6 months and must include the following information:

  • Patient identification
  • Last name and first name of the doctor
  • His identification number
  • His full address His Telephone and/or fax
  • Date and signature of the doctor

The bare code send to the patient will be put on the prescription.

Without prescription theses informations will be put on the collection sheet.

The patient have to be in a clean and ventilated room. as well, the temperature need to be between 20°C to 22°C in all seasons.

Patient comfort will be ensured by a comfortable sampling chair with removable armrests. In case of an accident the chair allow a lying position.

Pre-analytical process and the patient: instructions to follow

3 documents are a must have :

  • Prescription
  • The updated vital card or, failing that, a social security certificate
  • The valid mutual insurance card

The sampling time affects the test results.

A blood sampling need to be between 7am and 9am before any treatment or medication.

In case of the analysis is done with a treatment, you have to take a look at the serum peak and the stationary state.

Depending on the type of analysis, a more or less strict fast is a mandatory :

  • For example a 12hours of fast for a glucose analysis. Less than 4 hours for the albumin, iron and amylase analysis- to be determined with the laboratory.
  • For other analysis without a fasting state, we advised you to take the sample at least 2 hours after a low-fat meal.
  • For a perfect sampling, the patient must be as calm and relaxed as possible and avoid physical activity before going to the laboratory.

In our next articles, you are going to discover the procedures and operating methods of the pre-analytical process. the responsibilities of the medical staff, the home sampling specificities, sampling identification. Finally we are going to list the disturbing factors for your analysis.

To do this process proprely, the hardware and equippements make the difference. LABELIANS is at your side to choose them well.