The universe of the laboratory balance is distributed into 3 types :
  • The precision balances for common use. Present in many laboratories, they are also used in the teaching area.
  • The analytical balances renowned for their high precision. They allow to reduced the error margins by presenting results at several decimal places.
  • The micro and semi-microbalances which are the very excellence of the weighing, going up to 1µg or 10µg.
From their performances and the importance of the data that they can transmit, it is essential that they always remain conform.


The regulations related to the laboratory balances

First of all, it is good to know that the laboratory balances are submitted to Europeen and American guidelines :
Indeed, to be able to comply at these guidelines, the balance must have certain options :
  • Users’ management
  • Roles’ management
  • Electronic signature
  • Data transfer toward information management systems
This set of options will allow to limit users to avoid machine disturbances or to record the data that it will have produced.

The fonctionnalities of a good laboratory balance


Registration and data tranfer
To allow your laboratory balance to cpmply with European and American regulations, it is one of the first features to check on the list.
Indeed, it is recommended that your balance presents a Wi-Fi option or a hardware interface (Ethernet or USB) to be able to establish an internal communication within the laboratory.


External calibration functions
If you evolve in an environment regulated by the data gathering, it will allow to simplify the preparation of the balance sheet before use. This maneuver includes the leveling, the adjustment and the calibration.
Good to know : some of the laboratory balances display and capture the uncertainty of each measurement.


A touch screen usable with protection gloves
First of all, for a matter of practicality and hygiene, it is recommended to opt for a sufficiently sensitive touch screen so as not to need to remove and replace the gloves all day long.
balance de laboratoire tactile

Analyze the conformity of your laboratory balance

Maintenance and calibration
In order to optimize the life expectancy of your balance, the maintenance and the calibration are mandatory. This will also allow to get a reliable audit trail.
The maintenance also includes a regular cleaning of your machine. Therefore, it is highly recommended to clean your laboratory balance after every use and to regularly set up a more substantial cleaning.


Some balances propose to automate some functions such as adjusment and calibration with use. They can also be accompanied with a softwre that blocks the weighing in the case that the balance needs to be repaired or adjusted.
Furthermore, by verifying the time of your balance ar least once a month, you will obtain a conform weight measurement. This check can be done automatically using a connexion.
conformité balance de laboratoire