Among the different colour codes, the order of sampling or the additives used, it is not always easy to find your way around when it comes to using the tube for blood sampling.
Whether you are a beginner, want to clear up a doubt or simply remind your team, wants to simplify your daily life by presenting each of our tubes in their order of use.
Indeed, a specific order of use during the blood test is recommended to limit the possible interferences between the anticoagulants.
Moreover, some tubes are similar and suitable for the same types of analysis. The only difference? The presence of a gel. This gel is a preservation gel. It is intended to guarantee the efficiency of the transport of the sample.

Tubes without additives
N°1 Sampling- optionnal
White plug
It will not be analysed. It only allows a small amount of blood to be taken before subsequent tubes can be filled for the prescribed tests.

Sodium Citrate Tube – 3,2% or 3,8%
N°2 Sampling
Blue plug
Haematology : Platelets (conditionally)
Coagulation : Prothrombin time, Activator Cephalin Time (ACT), Thrombin time, Fibrinogen, PDF, Isolated Coagulation Factors

Dry Tube ( with coagulation activator)
N°3 Sampling
Red plug
Hématologie : Groupages sanguins, Agglutinines irrégulières
Sérologie : Agglutinines froides, polyarthrite rhumatoïde, mononucléose infectieuse, syphilis, rhumatisme articulaire aigü, rubéole, Protéine C Réactive (CRP), fractions du complément, Tests viraux (VIH, VHB…)
Biochimie :
Ions inorganiques: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), Fer sérique
Anticorps: protéines totales, albumine, anticorps (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
Constituants azotés non protéiques: urée, acide urique, créatinine
Lipides: lipoprotéines, cholestérol total, LDL-HDL, apolipoprotéines, triglycérides, acides gras libres
Glycémie: glycémie, hémoglobines glycosylées
Fonction hépatique: bilirubine totale, bilirubine directe
Enzymes: Créatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transférase (yGT), phosphatases alcalines, phosphatases acides, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate déshydrogénase (LDH), amylase
Hormonologie: Hormones
Pharmacologie – Toxicologie: Médicaments, toxiques
Biochemistry :
- Inorganic ions: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), serum iron
- Antibodies: total protein, albumin, antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
- Non-protein nitrogenous constituents: urea, uric acid, creatinine
- Lipids: lipoproteins, total cholesterol, LDL-HDL, apolipoproteins, triglycerides, free fatty acids
- Blood glucose: blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobins
- Liver function: total bilirubin, direct bilirubin
- Enzymes: Creatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transferase (yGT), alkaline phosphatases, acid phosphatases, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), amylase
Hormonology : Hormones
Pharmacology – Toxicology : Drugs, toxins

Gel dry tube (with coagulation activator)
N°4 Sampling
Red or gold plug
Sérologie : Agglutinines froides, polyarthrite rhumatoïde, mononucléose infectieuse, syphilis, rhumatisme articulaire aigü, rubéole, Protéine C Réactive (CRP), fractions du complément, Tests viraux (VIH, VHB…)
Biochimie :
Ions inorganiques: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), Fer sérique
Anticorps: protéines totales, albumine, anticorps (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
Constituants azotés non protéiques: urée, acide urique, créatinine
Lipides: lipoprotéines, cholestérol total, LDL-HDL, apolipoprotéines, triglycérides, acides gras libres
Glycémie: glycémie, hémoglobines glycosylées
Fonction hépatique: bilirubine totale, bilirubine directe
Enzymes: Créatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transférase (yGT), phosphatases alcalines, phosphatases acides, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate déshydrogénase (LDH), amylase
Hormonologie: Hormones
Pharmacologie – Toxicologie: Médicaments, toxiques
Serology : Cold agglutinins, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious mononucleosis, syphilis, rheumatic fever, rubella, C-reactive protein (CRP), complement fractions, viral tests (HIV, HBV…)
Biochemistry :
- Inorganic ions: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), Serum iron
- Antibodies: total protein, albumin, antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
- Non-protein nitrogenous constituents: urea, uric acid, creatinine
- Lipids: lipoproteins, total cholesterol, LDL-HDL, apolipoproteins, triglycerides, free fatty acids
- Blood glucose: blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobins
- Liver function: total bilirubin, direct bilirubin
- Enzymes: Creatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transferase (yGT), alkaline phosphatases, acid phosphatases, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), amylase
Hormonology : Hormones
Pharmacology – Toxicology : Drugs, toxins

Lithium or sodium heparin tube
N°5 Sampling
Green plug
Sérologie : Protéine C Réactive (CRP)
Biochimie :
Ions inorganiques: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), Fer sérique
Anticorps: protéines totales, albumine, anticorps (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
Constituants azotés non protéiques: urée, acide urique, créatinine
Lipides: lipoprotéines, cholestérol total, LDL-HDL, apolipoprotéines, triglycérides, acides gras libres
Glycémie: glycémie, hémoglobines glycosylées
Fonction hépatique: bilirubine totale, bilirubine directe
Enzymes: Créatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transférase (yGT), phosphatases alcalines, phosphatases acides, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate déshydrogénase (LDH), amylase
Hormonologie: Hormones
Pharmacologie – Toxicologie: Médicaments, toxiques
Serology : C Reactive Protein (CRP)
Biochemistry :
- Inorganic ions: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), serum iron
- Antibodies: total protein, albumin, antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
- Non-protein nitrogenous constituents: urea, uric acid, creatinine
- Lipids: lipoproteins, total cholesterol, LDL-HDL, apolipoproteins, triglycerides, free fatty acids
- Blood glucose: blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobins
- Liver function: total bilirubin, direct bilirubin
- Enzymes: Creatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transferase (yGT), alkaline phosphatases, acid phosphatases, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), amylase
Hormonology : Hormones
Pharmacology – Toxicology : Drugs, toxins

Lithium heparin and gel tube
N°6 Sampling
Green-blue plug
Sérologie : Protéine C Réactive (CRP)
Biochimie :
Ions inorganiques: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), Fer sérique
Anticorps: protéines totales, albumine, anticorps (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
Constituants azotés non protéiques: urée, acide urique, créatinine
Lipides: lipoprotéines, cholestérol total, LDL-HDL, apolipoprotéines, triglycérides, acides gras libres
Glycémie: glycémie, hémoglobines glycosylées
Fonction hépatique: bilirubine totale, bilirubine directe
Enzymes: Créatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transférase (yGT), phosphatases alcalines, phosphatases acides, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate déshydrogénase (LDH), amylase
Hormonologie: Hormones
Pharmacologie – Toxicologie: Médicaments, toxiques
Serology : C Reactive Protein (CRP)
Biochemistry :
- Inorganic ions: Ions (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, P), serum iron
- Antibodies: total protein, albumin, antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE)
- Non-protein nitrogenous constituents: urea, uric acid, creatinine
- Lipids: lipoproteins, total cholesterol, LDL-HDL, apolipoproteins, triglycerides, free fatty acids
- Blood glucose: blood glucose, glycosylated haemoglobins Liver function: total bilirubin, direct bilirubin
- Enzymes: Creatine kinase (CK), Glutamyl transferase (yGT), alkaline phosphatases, acid phosphatases, transaminases (ASAT-ALAT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), amylase
Hormonology : Hormones
Pharmacology – Toxicology : Drugs, toxins

EDTA K2 or EDTA K3 Tube
N°7 Sampling
Purple or transluscent purple tube *
Haematology: Haemogram (CBC), Platelets, Reticulocytes, Sedimentation rate, Blood groupings, Irregular agglutinins
Serology: Coombs test, Cold agglutinins
Hormonology: Hormones
Pharmacology – Toxicology: Drugs, toxins

EDTA K2 tube and gel
N°7 Sampling
Purple plug
Haematology: Haemogram (CBC), Platelets, Reticulocytes, Sedimentation rate, Blood groupings, Irregular agglutinins, Viral tests (HIV, HBV…)
Serology: Coombs test, Cold agglutinin
Hormonology: Hormones
Pharmacology – Toxicology: Drugs, toxins

Sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate tube
N°8 Sampling
Grey plug
Biochemistry: Blood glucose

Sodium fluoride and sodium EDTA tube
N°9 Sampling
Grey plug
Biochemistry: Blood glucose

Sodium Citrate ESR tube
N°10 Sampling
Black plug
Haematology: Sedimentation rate