What is the extent of the pre-analytical phase ?
- Patient reception
- Specimen collection
- Patient and specimen identification
- Request form
- Choice of tubes
- Sample storage
- Centrifugation
- Sample transportation
Which are the procedures and operating methods involved in this phase ?
- Patient preparation instructions
- Choosing appropriate products
- Sampling methods
- Patient and specimen identification: surname, first name, marital name, sex and date of birth
- sample transmportation
- Pre-treatement of the sample (centrifugation)
- Sample storage before and after analysis
When samples are send to a laboratory, healthcare professionals must include a sampling sheet (Arrêté du 20 juin 2003, JORF du 3 juillet 2003), it allow to verify compliance with the transmission time and temperature indacated in the procedure, as well as tje conformity of the sample when it is receive. the respect of the delay and temper.
In a future article, you will discover how patient preparation, reception and comfort can influence the quality of the pre-analytical phase, which are the responsabilities of the clinician, which are home sampling specificities ans how to identify samples. Finally, we will see factors that can disturb the results of the analysis, before discussing the results report.
To minimize the risk, products and equipments you use are important. LABELIANS stand by you to choose and use them well.