All technicians working in molecular biology laboratories, whether in medical biology, veterinary, industrial or research laboratories, are perfectly aware of the crucial importance of maintaining a contamination-free environment.

And molecular biology analysis techniques such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) require highly appropriate equipment, and an environment totally free of DNA or RNA.

Any unwanted nucleic acids can have a significant impact on the reliability of experimental results, leading to inaccurate data and potentially affecting the validity of research, or the treatment of a human or animal patient.

One of the major challenges facing laboratories is therefore directly linked to the risk of DNA or RNA contamination.


Contamination origins

There are many ways in which contamination can occur, but one of the most common sources is on laboratory surfaces.

These areas are likely to have DNA and RNA molecules that can then be transferred to our samples or reagents: the result? Cross-contamination, altered test results and potentially a lot of wasted time and resources.


The best way to prevent DNA and RNA contamination

To avoid contamination in molecular biology laboratories, many people traditionally use common chloride-based detergents. However, although these detergents are effective in eliminating exogenous traces of DNA and RNA, they can also be associated with significant risks.

For example, a chloride-based detergent can induce metal corrosion, damaging expensive laboratory equipment. It can also be the source of residues that can inhibit the PCR reaction and therefore affect the quality of analytical results.

An innovative alternative eliminates the risk of metal corrosion and leaves no residues that could inhibit PCR: the DNA AWAY and RNase AWAY decontaminant range. Studies have demonstrated the superior ability of these products to eliminate DNA and RNA from surfaces and solutions.

Innovation is based on several points:

  • Its higher efficiency than competing solutions,
  • No risk of metal corrosion,
  • The absence of residues that could inhibit PCR.

The DNA AWAY and RNase AWAY range is therefore a safer and more effective solution to decontaminate molecular biology laboratories.

The technical report produced by Molecular BioProduct attests to the effectiveness of these solutions, highlighting the ease of use that makes the decontamination process safer.

Below is an example of the results presented in this report concerning the elimination of DNA:


Image shows lanes (a) to (d) with no sign of DNA while lane (e) represents the negative control of the assay.


Recognized organisations recommends DNA and RNase AWAY solution

In addition to their superior performance, DNA AWAY and RNase AWAY decontaminants are also recommended by internationally recognised organisations.

Here are a few examples such as :

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
  • Houston Centre for Forensic Sciences,
  • University of Saskatchewan Environmental Toxicology Laboratory.

This approval underlines the effectiveness of these solutions in maintaining a contamination-free environment in laboratories.


In conclusion, for molecular biology laboratories, the integrity of our analyses and research depends heavily on the cleanliness of our laboratories.

Although contamination is a risk against which the laboratory must be vigilant, decontaminants such as the DNA AWAY and RNase AWAY ranges offer a reliable and effective solution. They guarantee the analytical results validity.